Hello readers! Hope you're well
A few weeks ago I asked New Workday subscribers if anybody would like to submit a short piece anonymously, that I would share here. Here’s what I said:
I'm interested in how writers can get out of their own way so they can write amazing stuff (and enjoy the process too!). I've been thinking about the role anonymity can play in this. If you were given the chance to write with anonymity guaranteed, and for it to be read by a few hundred people, would you be up for it? The guidelines are:
500 words or less
not brazenly offensive
original work
doesn't contain hate speech, discrimination or promote violence
doesn't promote or advertise businesses, services or personal brands
doesn't include personal attacks on individuals
respects the privacy of real people and does not include their personal information without consent
written in English
Today I'm sharing a post that was submitted. We don't know who the author is. But we do have this record of their honest ideas and act of fearless writing.
A few things I noticed about the piece (which I like to imagine were possible because it was written without the spectre of judgement) are:
It flows logically. Is this a sign the writer was free to draw on all the ideas they needed, and say everything they wanted to say, without skipping over things?
It’s punchy. The sentences are declarative and short. Another sign of confidence?
It’s sincere. In today’s unforgiving, irony-hungry culture, it’s hard to write sincerely. Did they feel they could be honest because of the cloak of anonymity?
We will never know, of course. But I'm glad somebody went for it.
Whoever you are, I hope it felt good ✊
Here is the piece. If it prompts any thoughts, ideas or questions, please share them in the comments section below.
Anonymous subscriber post #1
Like the stars in the night sky, we are isolated lights surrounded by lightyears of nothingness. But are we, really? Sure, that’s what it often feels like in our disenchanted world that is so obsessed with analysis and division and individual achievements. But truth isn’t absolute – things look very different if you just zoom out a little. Like the stars in the night sky that coalesce into constellations, each one of us is connected to something bigger. It may not always be obvious what that bigger whole you’re a part of actually IS, or HOW you’re connected to it – but it’s there, and if you search for it, you’ll find it. Because you only see what you expect to see. You only find what you expect to find. Whether you believe you are isolated or connected – you’re right. Whether you believe your life has meaning or not – you’re right. In the grand scheme of things, everything is connected to everything else. That’s also where meaning is found - in connection. The constellation you’re connected to IS there. The thing that gives your life meaning IS there. And just like a constellation would no longer be the same constellation if one of its stars were snuffed out, so the bigger whole you’re a part of wouldn’t be the same without you. YOU. MATTER. You just have to notice it. How? Take a step back. Then sit quietly and observe. Take a step back from your everyday busy-ness. Take a step back from what you expect to see. Take a step back from what seems urgent and notice what actually matters – to YOU. See the bigger picture. That’s how you find the constellation YOU’re an irreplaceable part of. That’s how you find meaning in life. Take a step back, look up, and observe. What’s the constellation you belong to?
If you wanna submit an anonymous post, you can do so here. I can't promise I'll publish every submission, but I will try my best.
See you next time, happy writing!
—Harrison ⬥
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...that is cool Harrison...fun prompt...i like the poetic tie of "you matter" to stars, asteroids, the cosmos etc. ...is all matter you matter?...does any of this matter at all?...we can be constellations, just single stars, or maybe even the endless black void...just as long as we be...
What fantastic idea! And you are doing it too. Wow I wish This was more the norm of the world - not a hidden gem to be surprised by. A world of benevolent greatness and true curiosity. Curiosity is always kind and judgment free it opens up a space beyond division and harshness. I wish we could all live there - all the time. 🙏🏻